friend? you mean i have to pick one? can't i pick a sister? :<
Reviews, opinions, observations, rants and more by a woman with a Second Life and Asperger's--plus a few insights on the world of today and how we can fix it! :P
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Have you been able to keep your New Years resolutions or have you broken them?
Broken. Fo' shizzle, mah bizzle. Promises are only promises, but plans and friends can help you keep to fulfilling them.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Would you rather hang out with a small group of friends or a large group?
I'd rather hang out with a few friends.....3-5 approximately..... a large group just has too many to keep track of.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Besides Formspring, what websites do you check the most often?
This one ning site, twitter, flickr, youtube.....that's it. oh, and your face.
What's your favorite clothing brand?
A ning site, my twitter, Flickr, youtube, Facebook..... etc etc.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What qualities do you look for when you're dating someone?
Honesty, trust............commitment, how much they value you, and accepting of your faults and flaws while heralding your good qualities.... Basically, someone you wish was your child! the good looks are just a bonus, though! :3 a sweet sweet bonus!
Monday, April 11, 2011
If you could be the president or leader of your country for one day, what would you do?
I'd do what every leader should do--follow through on my promises and not be a hypocritical bastard. Also cutting big spending by the government, taxing the rich and helping the not-so-rich.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?
i'd own a luxury yacht with a runway on it for my private jet! :DDD
If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?
a fiction novel....or a series installment
What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?
What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?
Answer here
What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?
That it works. That it's plugged in and turning on and you can see your crap on the monitor. Then I go into Firefox and check out mah ning a couple of comments on a photo already. Um.....then i check other stuff, including Formspring while Skype loads. Then.......i load up Second Life, log in, check OTHER stuff like flickr while it loads.....then i check the messages on SL. :3
Friday, April 8, 2011
What's your favorite clothing brand?
the kind that's not necessarily a clothing brand, but own. LMAO! Liquid Renegade, errbody! BUY IT! >:3 *shameless plug*
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Don't you think it's a little bit creepy that you hang on Noah's every word? Infatuated much?
Don't you think it's a little bit creepy that you find out what other followers are doing with Noah? Freakin' creepy, yo. I'm not the one stalking him anyways--Slendy and the Observers are.
Never mind, found it. I AM A DUMBASS.
no, i am. i'm also a smartass......PARADOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!
If a strange man in a suit kept following you, what would you do?
I'd flip him off--he's usually either from the IRS or a Mormon....
or a creeper.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Second Semester, SL Trimesters, Naughty Pixels and Much Moar COWBELL!

Friday, April 1, 2011
When you're lost, are you more likely to ask for directions or find your way without help?
i resort to asking if i get frustrated or stuck enough. now shush, the GPS is speaking! we must hear and use its almighty knowledge!
What things do you do to stay healthy?
I live.....and just....exist....and not be completely brain dead.